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domenica 30 aprile 2017

Fondazione Nicola Trussardi | La Triennale di Milano: the exhibition LA TERRA INQUIETA is open to the public until August 20 at La Triennale in Milan

La Triennale di Milano and the Fondazione Nicola Trussardi


An exhibition curated by Massimiliano Gioni

Organized by the Fondazione Nicola Trussardi
and Fondazione Triennale di Milano
For the Visual Arts Program of the Triennale directed by
Edoardo Bonaspetti

Triennale di Milano
Until August 20, 2017

Adel Abdessemed, John Akomfrah, Pawel Althamer, Francis Alÿs, El Anatsui, Ziad Antar, Kader Attia, Brendan Bannon, Yto Barrada, John Berger and Jean Mohr, Alighiero Boetti, Anna Boghiguian, Andrea Bowers, Tania Bruguera, Banu Cennetoğlu and Nihan Somay in collaboration with UNITED for Intercultural Action, Phil Collins, Comitato 3 Ottobre, Constant, Thierry De Cordier, La Domenica del Corriere, Forensic Oceanography / Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani, Meschac Gaba, Charles Gaines and Ashley Hunt for Gulf Labor Artist Coalition, Giuseppe “Pinot” Gallizio, Rokni Haerizadeh, Ramin Haerizadeh and Hesam Rahmanian, Manaf Halbouni, Mona Hatoum, Lewis Wickes Hine, Thomas Hirschhorn, Wafa Hourani, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Khaled Jarrar, Isaac Julien, Hiwa K, Yasmine Kabir, Šejla Kamerić, Bouchra Khalili, Runo Lagomarsino, Dorothea Lange, Zoe Leonard, Glenn Ligon, Liu Xiaodong, Ahmed Mater, Steve McQueen, Aris Messinis, multiplicity, Paulo Nazareth, Adrian Paci, Maria Papadimitriou, 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography (Daniel Etter, Tyler Hicks, Mauricio Lima, Sergey Ponomarev), Marwan Rechmaoui, Hrair Sarkissian, Thomas Schütte, Hassan Sharif, Augustus Sherman, Xaviera Simmons, Mounira Al Solh, Hamid Sulaiman, Rayyane Tabet, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Wolfgang Tillmans, Andra Ursuta, Danh Võ, Henk Wildschut, Zarina
Liu Xiaodong / Things aren't as bad as they could be, 2017 / oil on canvas, 250 x 465 cm / Courtesy Liu Xiaodong e Massimo De Carlo, Milano/Londra/Hong Kong / Thanks to City of Milan and Farsi Prossimo Onlus, Milan
La Triennale di Milano and the Fondazione Nicola Trussardi present La Terra Inquieta (The Restless Earth), an exhibition curated by Massimiliano Gioni and co-produced by the Fondazione Nicola Trussardi and Fondazione Triennale di Milano, as part of the Visual Arts Program of the Triennale directed by Edoardo Bonaspetti.

The exhibition, which will be open to the public until August 20, 2017, is the result of a partnership between two institutions whose missions have always centered on the present, exploring the ways in which the experimental and innovative languages of contemporary art and culture can express radical changes in our world.

La Terra Inquieta borrows its title from a collection of poems by Édouard Glissant, a Caribbean writer who probed the question of how different cultures can coexist. The exhibition shares in Glissant’s project—a pressing and necessary one that tries to describe this unstable and agitated present as a polyphony of voices and narratives. Through the works of more than sixty artists from thirty-nine countries—such as Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, and Turkey—which fill the ground-floor gallery of the Triennale and continue to the floor above, this exhibition charts both experiences and perceptions of migration and the current refugee crisis as an epoch-making transformation that is reframing contemporary history, geography, and culture.
Through installations, videos, documentary images, historical sources, and material artifacts, La Terra Inquieta explores real and imaginary geographies, reconstructing the odyssey of migrants through personal and collective tales of exodus inspired by varying degrees of urgency and longing. The exhibition revolves around a series of geographic and thematic lines of inquiry—the war in Syria, the state of emergency in Lampedusa, life in refugee camps, the figure of the nomad or stateless person, and Italian migration in the early 20th century—which intersect with works that serve as visual metaphors for conditions of mobility and precariousness.

La Terra Inquieta is the story of humanity crossing borders and—more tragically—of borders crossing humanity. But above all, it is an exercise in empathy and an experiment in cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, which becomes more relevant as Italy stands at the epicenter of the refugee crisis. As we are reminded by the words of Emma Lazarus at the base of the Statue of Liberty—seen in the video by Steve McQueen, which closes the exhibition—the mother of exiles welcomes the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the tempest-tossed, and the wretched refuse of a teeming shore.

The exhibition La Terra Inquieta is accompanied by a bilingual catalogue in Italian and English, edited by Massimiliano Gioni. This volume, published by Electa with a foreword by Clarice Pecori Giraldi and an introduction by Beatrice Trussardi, brings together monographic texts on all the artists in the exhibition curated by Natalie Bell, Micola Brambilla, Juli Brandano, Gary Carrion-Murayari, Mira Dayal, Matthew Erickson, Margot Norton, Rachel Wetzler. The catalogue includes a collection of essays and critical texts by Tania Bruguera, Alessandro Dal Lago, T.J. Demos, Massimiliano Gioni, and Giusi Nicolini.

The graphic design for the exhibition and publications is by Christoph Radl.

La Terra Inquieta is made possible by support from Fondazione Cariplo.
Special thanks to Clear Channel and SKY ARTE HD as media partner, with particular reference to SKY ARTE HD for producing an original piece describing the exhibition.
Thanks to Birra Menabrea Spa and Airlite, for their technical contribution.
Thanks to Illy as Triennale Corporate Partner.
Thanks also to Butterfly Transport, Fondazione Ismu and Untitled Association.

During the month of May, two important moments accompany the exhibition La Terra Inquieta, in the framework of the activities organized by the Fondazione La Triennale di Milano.
From May 2 to May 7 the Human Rights Festival tries to focus and narrate the continuous, tense readjustment of our times and our space through documentaries, films, testimonies and debates, sharing the objectives of the exhibition and guaranteeing access to La Terra Inquieta for about a thousand students taking part in the Festival.
At the same time Triennale Teatro dell’Arte presents two theatral shows concerning the exhibition issues: Timeloss, by the Iranian director Amir Reza Koohestani, on May 12 and 13, and Riding on a cloud by the Lebanese writer, player and visual artist Rabih Mroué, from May 16 to 18. More info:

Until August 20, 2017
Triennale di Milano | Viale Alemagna 6 - Milan, Italy
Tuesday to Sunday, 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM

full price 8 euros
reduced price 6.50 / 5.50 euros (for special categories)
cumulative 10 euros
Online purchase:


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