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sabato 2 aprile 2016

Artvera's Gallery - Press Conference & Opening Party, Monte Verità: Expressionist Utopia

Henk Helmantel - Still life with fruit and bread on a blue background, oil on panel, 122 x 200 cm
Monte Verità
Expressionist Utopia

Artvera's Gallery Geneva announces major exhibition

15 April ‒ 30 July 2016

Press Conference & Guided Tour
14 April 2016 at 4 pm

In the presence of
Angelica Jawlensky Bianconi, Director of the Alexej von Jawlensky Archive, Locarno
Andreas Schwab, Curator Monte Verità Foundation, Ascona

Opening Party & Performance
14 April 2016 at 6 pm
El Circulo Eterno - An Homage to Harald Kreutzberg
by DanceLab Berlin at 7 pm

Artvera's Gallery is pleased to announce Monte Verità:  Expressionist Utopia, the first in a series of exhibitions presenting major artists whose work has been strongly influenced by their experiences on Monte Verità, the utopian colony founded at the beginning of the 20th century in Ascona, Switzerland. This inaugural show, launching the exhibition cycle, will display a selection of European and Russian Avant-Garde artists such as Marianne von Werefkin, Alexej von Jawlensky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Arthur Segal. An exhibition featuring leading contemporary artists whose work draws inspiration from Monte Verità will follow in October 2016.
The exhibition includes works of: Max Beckmann, Wladimir Burliuk, Vladimir Davidovich Baranov-Rossiné, André Derain, Kees van Dongen, Erich Heckel, Alexey von Jawlensky Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, August Macke, Edvard Munch, Otto Mueller, Max Pechstein, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Marianne von Werefkin, Georg Tappert and Arthur Segal.

On the opening night of the exhibition, the famous dance duo Norbert Servos and Jorge Morro from DanceLab Berlin, will perform a site-specific project specially created for the gallery's show. The duo is strongly inspired by Harald Kreutzberg, one of the foremost protagonists of German Expressionist dance in the 1920s. "It is fascinating for us to create a correspondence between the two dimensionality of the exhibited art and the three dimensionality of the dance. We will use parts of our dance piece El Circulo Eterno – An Hommage to Harald Kreutzberg and adapt them to the specifics of the gallery space", add Norbert Servos and Jorge Morro.

Press Release (ENG)
Communiqué de Presse (FR)

RSVP before April 11 2016
Galerie Artvera's
Rue Etienne-Dumont 1
1204 Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 311 05 53
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 18:00 /
Saturday 11:00 - 17h:00

"This meticulously researched exhibition
is an opportunity to celebrate an exceptional artistic centre, which,
in its own way, shaped the rich cultural
landscape of the early 20th century.
It shows how artists explored
the idyllic image of Switzerland as an earthly paradise as well as
the intellectual and artistic scene
that developed around Monte Verità."

Sofia Komarova,
Director of Artvera's Gallery.

The exhibition catalogue will be only available at the gallery

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