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mercoledì 21 settembre 2016

Milano Art Bulletin | Focus on | Cardi Gallery

Focus on:
Cardi Gallery
Mimmo Rotella. Blanks

until 22 December
Monday – Friday, 10 am-7 pm
Saturday by appointment

#mimmorotella #rotella2016
T. +39 0245478189
Corso di Porta Nuova 38, 20121 Milano
View on the map

Cardi Gallery, Milan is glad to present "Mimmo Rotella. Blanks", an exhibition dedicated to a selection of works produced by Mimmo Rotella from the beginning of 1980s.

If with the décollages, realized tearing posters taken directly from the street, the artist had discovered the infinite possibilities of the popular image, with the blanks (also called 'coperture') he set out to explore the temporal and linguistic limits of this mode of communication.

The street and the city were once again sources of inspiration for the artist that, wondering around Milan, discovered that the posters were covered up by monochrome pieces of paper when the time of their display on the city walls was over. Fascinated by the hidden message, obliterated by a quite anonymous paper, he started to create the blanks: a procedure that cancel the chaos, the disorder, the superimposition shown with the décollage covering them with a new skin made up of monochrome tissue paper revealing the infinite possibilities of colour, of transparency and of the essential act.

The blanks were shown for the first time in Milan in January 1981. Since then these works have been exhibited on very few occasions. So Cardi Gallery is trying to fill this gap and presenting to the public a little-known but crucial aspect of Mimmo Rotella's production.

The exhibition "Mimmo Rotella. Blanks" is part of "Mimmo Rotella 2016", an initiative linked to the tenth anniversary of the passing of Mimmo Rotella. It involves a number of galleries and institutions in Milan, witnessing the relationship between the artist and the city where he worked and lived in his last years.
Cardi Gallery opens new venue in historical 17th century London townhouse
After two years of renovation, Cardi Gallery is pleased to announce the public opening of its London gallery, located at 22 Grafton Street in the city's Mayfair district.

With roughly 1,000 square meters of exhibition space, comprising six floors of a Seventeenth Century townhouse, Cardi Gallery London will promote artists of the Arte Povera, American Minimalism, and German Zero group, like its mother gallery in Milan.

Specializing in Modern and Contemporary Art, Cardi Gallery was founded by Renato Cardi in 1972 to pursue his passion for promoting and collecting contemporary Italian artists. Today, both galleries - London and Milan - are run by Renato's son Nicolo Cardi.

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